Providing top quality service depends on top quality personnel. Highly motivated and well-trained staff, within and outside the company, ensure that every employee makes the maximum effort to do justice to our policy of providing quality.
How can Wildenhofer be sure their employees are the best?
Our staff are highly qualified
Constant internal and external training programmes
Train-up apprentices and give young talent a chance (dual system)
Employees ties are strengthened to the company: It is not uncommon for people to work for Wildenhofer for 30 - 40 years.
Investment in employee health and safety: modern working equipment and conditions
Employees are supervised and supported by safety experts and medical staff.
How does the customer benefit?
Expert advice: Some employees have decades of experience in transport logistics
Motivated employees: Provide specialised and customised support backed by a family business structure
Low personnel turnover: Ensures continuity and stability for customers