Data exchange

One essential factor in the optimisation of logistics procedures is the electronic exchange of data between the customer and the logistics service providers – and all their associates along the supply and distribution chain.


Various structures within our company enable us to adapt flexibly to the IT environment of our customers. Thus, non-standardised formats can also be integrated with ease.
The following data exchange formats exists as standard and can be realised very quickly: 




DESADV,  delivery order

Bord128, Release 2,3,5 and 6,

IFCSUM,  bordero cargo details

for bordero details from associates or

IFTMIN,  delivery note

Delivery notes from customers

IFTSTA,  status reports

Entl128, Release 2 and 5, for

INVOICE, electronic invoice

Unloading report data

INVRPT, stock level info 

Stat128, Release 2 and 5, for status reports

ORDERS, customer orders


Another standard formate is Autopak and we use a standard interface to the logistics software WAMAS. 

There are two main means of data transfer:     

1. EAN-Austria mailbox
2. E-mail

From a technical point of view both systems are excellent. The mailbox is mostly used by larger scale industrial and trading operations. However, e-mail is the less expensive method. In both cases receipt and subsequent handover of data occur completely automatically.

Years of experience in the international transfer of data enable Wildenhofer to offer extra services such as clearing for a wide range of data formats. Small and large businesses alike can manage there businesses processing affordably via EDIFACT.